
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Now Introducing: Chase!!!

Prototype: First off, who are you? What moniker do you go by?
Chase: My name is Chase.

Prototype: What city, town, state, hood do u rep?
Chase: Im from Northside Jamaica Queens in ShadyVille, NY.

Protoype: When did you first realize that making music was your calling?
I realized music was my calling when I was first introduced to Hip-Hop and I said to myself this is a culture I can see myself being a apart of.

Prototype: When did you first start writing?
Its funny cause I first started writing when i was only 12 years old in the 8th grade. Me and two my homies would have this notebook where we would write our rhymes in.

Protoype: When did you first start recording? And how did it feel the first time you stepped in the booth?
I first started recording at the age of 15 and it was exciting although I wasnt as lyrically skilled as I am now.

Prototype: What influences your music?
I think what i go through influences my music. Its just the best way for me to express myself.

Prototype: How much of an influence have other people (such as your fam/friends/other artists/maybe a previous or present mentor etc) had on your artistic development?
I admire certain artists such as Lauren Hill, Nas, Tupac. I think the new artist today like Wiz Khalifa and J. Cole are dope too but i really admire the 90s era.

Prototype: Who would you consider an idol/model example within the entertainment world?
Chase: I'
m not sure my parents were my idols.

Prototype: What can your fans expect from you in the future?
Chase: My fans can just expect good music and can follow me on social networks.

Here I've posted a few of his You Tube Videos for you guys to watch:

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